For this Theater-season HZT chooses to focus on the topics Taboo and Loneliness, both necessary to highlight in today’s society. For me these topics were the starting point for a new series of publicity-images.
Blog Archives
Het Zuidelijk Toneel 2020/2021
Publicity images for the upcoming theatre season 2021/2022 from Het Zuidelijk Toneel. I worked with chairs for this series, as a symbol or metaphor for each play, because chairs are one my favourite objects.
Volkskrant Magazine III
‘Je kunt het maar één keer doen’: In this weekly interview-column by Barbara van Beukering, relatives talk and reflect on the dying process of their dear ones. I create still life-photos that represent their personal and deeply moving stories, trying to avoid all visual clichés on dead and mourning.
Toneelgroep Oostpool 2018/2019
Publicity images made for theatre season 2018/2019 of Toneelgroep Oostpool, with plays: ‘People Places Things’, ‘Cinema’, ‘Allemaal Mensen’, ‘Bambi’. Hair & Make up by Jan Fuite
Volkskrant Magazine II
Photo’s and concepts made for different articles in Volkskrant Magazine, on topics like ‘feeling zen after doing domestic work’, ‘taking risks while cooking’, ‘fake eye lashes’, and portraits of writer Aaf Brandt Corstius and actress Thekla Reuten.
PS het Parool
Photo’s and concepts for different articles in PS van de week, on topics like ‘Stop the frumpiness’, ‘Winter recipes’, ‘Vulva why taboo?’, ‘Halal products’, ‘When kids discover sex’ and ‘4 seasons in a year’.
‘Maak van je shit een hit’
Publiciteitsbeeld voor theater-voorstelling van Mira van der Lubbe
Toneelgroep Oostpool 2017/2018
Publicity images made for theatre season 2017/2018 of Toneelgroep Oostpool, plays: ‘The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism …’, ‘Paradijsvogel’, ‘Romeo & Julia’, ‘Robin Hood’. Hair & Make up by Jan Fuite.
Toneelgroep Oostpool 2016/2017
Publicity images made for theatre season 2016/2017 of Toneelgroep Oostpool, plays : ‘Kletsmajoor’, ‘Demonen’, ‘Een meeuw’, ‘Ilias’.